HM3 Dereck Rickman

Iraqi Freedom | Injured While in Iraq | Good Conduct Medal, Combat Action
Sponsored by: The Rickman Family


The book A Veteran's Story, in which I took part and am very proud to be a part, follows the lives of thirty veterans, including myself, as we confront various hardships while serving our country. Some of the stories focus on the hardships and sacrifices that come with military service, while others focus on the difficulties that come with leaving the military and transitioning out of military life. Vietnam, Desert Shield, and Storm, as well as more current events in Iraq and Afghanistan, are all covered. It addresses the experiences of both men and women who have served in the military services, as well as the many branches and occupational specializations available. It was an honor to be a part of such an amazing project that Raven Hilden, the President of MilVet, was in charge of putting together.

I thought it was fantastic that the proceeds from this book will be used to help veterans through her non-profit organization, and I was more than delighted to share my experience to fulfill this commitment. I had so much fun with it, I decided to write a book called Keep Fighting: A Journey of Struggle to Redemption, which will be released very soon. I agree with the desire to contribute the proceeds to a nonprofit that assists our veterans and will continue this "paying it forward" when my book comes out in late 2022.


TSgt. Roy Maxwell


LCpl. Carter Dorsett