Captain Jack Camp

2nd Brigade | 1st Cav Division in Vietnam | KIA 12-01-69
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Captain Jack Camp, 23, U.S. Army

Purple Heart, Air Medal

Jack Camp,  Tolar, TX,  served with Headquarters and Headquarters Co, 2nd Brigade, lst Cav Division in Vietnam. He was a pilot of an OH-6A helicopter.  He was conducting a visual reconnaissance mission orbiting at 2000’ when his gunner saw black smoke coming from an area between the transmission and engine.  Camp began a descent to an open field.  At 250’ he went into autorotation but the engine failed and he crashed.  Camp died in the crash but his two crew members were able to walk away. 

 B. 8-15-47  D. 12-0169


Specialist Four Larry Wayne Rothel


Colonel William Brooks